Feature: Extraction

One of the most confusing aspects of player-based choices is item reinforcement and the options that come with it. Sometimes, you have too little resources and too many characters to work on; You just don't want to end up wasting those resources on uninformed or poor choices. Here, I will give you some insight in making informed choices and knowing what to expect from my experience.

In this 5-part article, I cover-
So here's the final part 5 of 5.

Extraction - What is it?

The process of retrieving a Reinforcement stone from a socketed equipment.

While the process involves Reinforced equipment parts like Transmutation does, the differences are clear cut. Extraction preserves the equipment 100% , and then the Stone in its current state if successful, while Transmutation sacrifices the items in hopes for a better stone.

One thing is for sure. Extraction is best performed for the removal of high Grade or Epic grade stones, or if the equipment part is to be preserved.
The Processes:

Extraction Interface, with Reinforced weapon and Release Scroll attached

Like Transmutation, before you begin, make sure your subject items are not equipped on your character or they will not appear on the inventory list. A Release scroll in this case is necessary to facilitate the process.

Extraction is extremely simple - Set in a reinforced armor/weapon and a Release scroll.

Depending on the scroll used, there are two different results to be had.

Release Scrolls:

Like Transmutation, Extraction only has one support item type.

Executes the extraction process. Should it fail, the Stone will be destroyed.
Protects the Stone from being destroyed should the extraction fail. Simply put, the extraction process can be continued with this scroll until it becomes successful.

No Forge recipes are available for such scrolls unfortunately.




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